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[#PROJECTSP2022] is a songwriting project presented by Studio Passif Taiwan, a sound studio founded by Richard W.P. Huang and Sarah C.S. Chia. This project features twelve songs we produced and recorded in collaboration with outstanding amateur singers, sharing different stories and topics.
Visit to learn more about us.
December|聖誕快樂 Merry Christmas
November|新生 Reborn
October|漩渦 Whirlpool
September|The Story of Us 我們的故事
August|吹吹海風 By the Sea
July|寄居蟹 Hermit Crab
June|Tug of War
May|戰鼓 War Drum
April|後悔循環 Reflection
March|以愛之名 In the Name of Love
February|二分之一甜 Half the Sweet
January|你是否還記得? Do you remember?
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